My mantra
I say everyday
5 months since I blogged , where has the time gone.......
Well here is the short version
full version will come over the coming days
18 months ago my husband was diagnosed with liver cancer ,
Went on a liver transplant list ,
Had a liver transplant 3 months ago ,
I had to try and run his business & look after two young children while he recovered in Brisbane
Meanwhile a multi national company opened up directly across the road
from our business ,
80% down in sales instantly
we went under within weeks ,
closed down a business that had been there for 30 years ,
now unemployed for the first time ever !
Trying now to find a way to save our home.
Have entered unchartered waters
Feel like I have aged 10 years but I
have learnt I am a strong woman , stronger than I have ever imagined.
Grateful for the chance my husband has been given to see his young children grow up.
Saddened at the same time a life was lost for this gift to our family.
We must embrace life
no matter what challenges lay ahead for our family.
For now saying my mantra.....
Karyn x